NOW FOR THE SNAZZY NEW HAIRCUT.........................
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Not More Wood.......and a snazzy new hair cut!!
Last week I ran an add on Craigslist, "Want to borrow a large chainsaw in exchange for a truck load of wood" and believe it or not, within 24 hours I had been contacted a couple times. One of the guys, Logan, said that he had just gotten this saw from his dad, it's about 20yrs old and it should be able to cut through anything. He also said he would come out and cut up for me, and didn't care about the wood for barter, he was just happy to have a chance to use his saw. Well the first time he came out, the chain on the saw really needed to be replaced, so I told him I would buy a new one if he would come back. So that he did. Check out this Saw............

My chainsaw looks so little sitting on those slices, and I think it's the biggest saw Home Depot sells!!!
Keep in mind that Logan is about 6'3", if that helps give any reference as to how big this tree actually is. Several of the rounds were between 3 and 4 feet in diameter and probably weigh somewhere in the ball park of 400 pounds each!! It was all Logan and I could do to roll the slices out of the way.

We've got about 25 rounds that are all this big!!!! Too bad we don't have a Fireplace or a Wood stove!!
NOW FOR THE SNAZZY NEW HAIRCUT.........................
Well...I didn't work this past Friday, so Trish and I decided to meet downtown for lunch. I got to town a little early, and just had an itch to cut my hair. I wear a hat most days to work and it started to get a little uncomfortable, so what the heck, cut it all off!!!
NOW FOR THE SNAZZY NEW HAIRCUT.........................
Monday, February 18, 2008
If every February was like this...
We had another spectacularly warm Saturday this past weekend! We slept in a little and we were feeling kind of lazy so a strenuous hike was out of the picture. We wanted to at least get the dogs out and play so we decided we would go to one of our favorite campsites and hang out and explore a little. Well, appearantly a lot of other people had the same idea so we didn't get to hang out at the site we wanted, but we were able to get close and we hung out on the creek/ river and let the doggies play. We were trying to walk back to this little swimming hole but the trail was all grown over and I already took my shoes off once to cross the creek and frankly, I did not want to do it again so here is where we stayed! Many of you probably know I have a hard time in the water without anything on my yes, you read right- I took my shoes off, socks and all, and crossed the creek!!! No swimmy shoes!! Can you believe it? I kept my shoes on when we crossed to go back to the car though! (baby steps:) )
This is what happens if we do not go to the woods! hehe! I figured if Tom can post a pic. of my air/stick gutiar playing I can post this one!!!!
Harley is truly a water dog--he loves to play in it, as long as he can touch! Notice the small tree he is picking up. When we are around water Harley 's favorite game is to get the rocks (and sticks/trees!). He will find a rock he wants and stick his head down in the water to get it! He will also retrieve one that you throw in the long as it is not too deep! After this picture was taken I think he found a rock that looked facinating and as he was trying to figure out just how he was going to get it out of the deep part, along came Maggie and bumped him and Harley went in head first. He was fine, and came to Tom and I immediately to have his eyes and face wiped! He is so funny.
YAY!! Everyone get in the picture! Maggie believes she is a lap dog...all 82 pounds of her!
Don't be fooled by the shades! Although it was warm out, there was quite a bit of cloud cover :(
We found an empty campsite and decided to hang out here for a minute and build a little fire. It was right about this time that we were kicking ourselves for not bringing the camping equipment. It would have been a great night to camp.
Sir Harley the Mountain Dogg! Check out the mountain in the background!
She just looks like TROUBLE doesn't she? But she's sooooo sweet ;)
We had another super day in the woods! It feels so good to be able to just drive a short distance down the road and be in the middle of the woods like this! I hope this good weather continues through March when we have company--- because we love to show this place off!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
My Cheesey Valentine
Tom and I agreed not to get each other anything for Valentines Day, but Tom didn't keep his promise.
Of course we had to have some wine with it. Nothing else would taste right! The bread we used to dip was super yummy! Tom did a great job with this Cheesey Valentine!
Action Shot!

I stayed home from work on Thursday because my throat was killing me, and I was just wore out. I think my body has been working over time to fight this crud that has consumed all of Buncombe County!
So anyway, Tom came home from the store on Thursday with a dozen roses and stuff to make a cheese fondue (AKA FUN-due)!
We have had a fondue pot for 2 years now and we have not used it once, so this was quite fun!
Tom thought it would be a good idea to take a few pictures of our cheesey feast. He got a little carried away with snaping pictures, so remember.... I was home SICK- that's why I look so fabulous!
It was a cheddar, crab, and shrimp fun-due! Yummy!
Monday, February 4, 2008
65 Degrees!!!!!
Another Sunday spent in the woods!!! It was so freakishly warm that Trisha and I decided to spend the majority of the day hiking one of our favorite trails. We didn't measure it precisely, if I had to guess we prob. hiked around 6 miles.

Once we got to the top, we took a break, had a snack, and took lots of pictures.

So it's True....I do have a thing for climbing tree's, don't know what spurred my obsession, but it's just FUN!!!!

I think the Hike worked as planned, not only is it great exercise and good for the soul to be out playing in the woods but it's also much needed for our little 4 legged friends. I feel like we owe it to them, after we work all week long, tired most evenings, they must get pretty bored, so we try to make it up to them on the weekend!! I think it worked...they were so tired!! They slept the whole way home, all evening, all night, and they were still tired this morning!! Of course they got up when they heard the alarm clock, Maggie knows that sound means feedin' time.
And I guess the Warm weather and fresh air takes Trisha back to the summers of the late 1980's when "Hair bands" ruled the world and Bon Jovi and Def Leopard were Jammin it out on their geeeetarrs!!! and Rick D's with the weekly top 40 Rocked!!! My Wife is Such a ROCK STAR, I can't believe that she doesn't own a jean jacket:)
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