Here is Tom, Melissa, and dog Blue on a mountain in the Wasach-Cache National Forest
Bison (buffalo) EVERYWHERE!! This is truley where the "buffalo roam"!
Mammoth Springs. These springs, or geysers have made some really cool formations.
These trees are extremely old (can't remember exactly how old), and they have been calcified by the geysers' water.
This was the most exciting part of mammoth springs- there is actually water in this area. The rest of it was pretty old and dried up. The colors in the water are from the bacteria and other little creepy- crawleys that live in the water! Take note of some of the other colors in the pictures to come.
Here we are at Norris Geyser. And oh yeah, it was HOT!
This is the grand canyon of Yellowstone. We are on top of the water fall. It was beautiful, but I was scared to death and didn't like standing on the edge for very long, even though there was a fence! The older I get the more I am scared of heights! Take note of the snow on the right side.
Tom throwing snowballs at Castor. Walking in snow with sandals on is a unique experience, so I had to go down there and stick my feet in! This was at a little "pull out" just past the canyon. We stopped here and ate lunch out of the car.
We sat down by a river and watched this herd of bison hang out. See the dust? The males were fighting (showing off I'm sure!) and kicking up the dust. There were quite a few babies out there, and it was so relaxing to watch them....but we kept looking over our shoulders to make sure none came up behind us. We passed some on the way to this spot.
This is the inn at Old Faithful. It was built in 1904. The inside is beautiful, and I have no idea why we didn't take pictures of it........sorry! Guess we will have to go back!
When we first got to this attraction we passed a group of people and an older lady with the group said something about going to see more "Geezers". It was so funny--- so we called the geysers "geeezers" all week! Her group quickly corrected her, and told her they were geysers. She then said something like, well what ever....
Melissa and I showered here. Tom seems to think that we weren't supposed to use the facilities, but Melissa asked at the front desk where the showers for the "public" were and she was told that they are on the 2nd floor. The rooms in the hotel are pretty small and some don't have their own bathrooms, so there is a main bathroom/shower room. I don't feel too bad about showering there, I need to wash my hair!!
Here she is.......Old Faithful!
We don't know the name of this geyser, we saw it from the back. It is huge, and the colors in it are very cool! The steam looks blue and reddish orange....kind of looks like Mars! There was a storm in the background, and it looks like the steam connects with the storm cloud.

Damn tourists!

In the Uinta Mountains. There was a ton of snow in this parking lot. Tom walked to the bathroom and he was in snow up to his knees! The snow was melting and running down the hill behind us- thats why our feet are wet!
Ahhhh, Ruths. We could write a whole blog on Ruth's Diner. Food was GOOD, Bloody Marys were GOOD, and the biscuits were TO DIE FOR for! (Ruth's gravy was not good though---sorry Tom!)
Putt Putt Fun in the Hott Hott Sun! In Salt Lake City.
Tiger and Arnold of putt putt.
The next group of pictures are from Castor's camera.
Melissa and I, in the Wasach-Cache in Salt Lake. This was like a 10 minute drive from their house. The hike was pretty short too- but the air was thin!
At mammoth spings in yellowstone. These were young French tourists and they asked me to take their picture. As I was taking the picture sassy girl here, arched her back and got all sassified and I laughed at her as I took the picture. I didn't recall actually laughing at her- it was more of a nervous, I will laugh at this later, laugh....but Melissa, Tom and Castor said I laughed right at her. It was very funny! You know I love to people watch and this was a great place for it! Some of the tourists must not think they are going to the woods, and they get all dressed up, and sassified! I'm pretty sure I just made up that word too--- sassified!
Castor and Melissa
A Marmot. Cute little critter!
A herd of Elk!
An Elk right near the parking lot at the canyon.
Waterfall, at the canyon I believe.
Black bear asleep in a tree!
Grizzly bear! This is the 3rd one we had seen on this day. This was after the big carcus eating adventure!

Here is a momma moose! She was grazing, so it was hard to get a good picture of her. She had a baby down there with her too! This was in the Grand Teton Natl. Park on our way home. 

Fairy Falls
This is the huge geyser from a few pictures back. This is a picture from above, obviously! Doesn't it look like a big sun?
A very cold night!
leaving fairy falls
Hope you enjoyed the pictures! We had a blast on this vacation.......hopefully we get to do it again. Yellowstone is just amazing, and I would encourage anyone to go! I think I would like to sleep in a small camper next time though....I was a bit scared of the bears, and it was cold! Thank you Castor and Melissa!!!!! We had a great time and can't wait to take Ya'll on a Smokey Mountain Critter Safari next year!!!!