Just kidding, but I am making my big time debut on the side of a bus in September. This is how it happened.....
I volunteered to have my picture taken for a recruitment and retention ad campaign at work. When I emailed one of the "bosses" at work about it, I said that I would do it, but that I did not think I was "billboard quality". I was assured that although she thought I was billboard quality, we would ONLY being doing posters. So a few weeks went by, and the big picture day came. When we showed up, the lady who was organizing this ad campaign greeted us and asked which slogan we wanted. I guess I should back up and tell you that we are coping an ad campaign that New York City just did, using "real social workers". Their campaign features 16 real workers with slogans that say "Are you____ enough" to be a CPS social worker. The blanks are filled with adjectives such as kind (mine), tough, real, strong, clear, bold, cool, calm, and so on. So we are picking out what word we wanted, and being a Libra, I picked 3 before it was all said and done! They only put me on one picture though! So as we are doing that this woman says, Oh, this is gonna be great!! You know we have the buses for the months of September and October right? We were like, um, what buses? So she goes on to tell us that our beautiful pictures are going to plastered on the side (or back, or inside) of the Asheville City buses!! Well, it was too late to turn back at this point, so I went on and figured that half of this county knows I'm a social worker any way, so whats a bus picture gonna hurt? I can hear it now....."Hey, there goes my Social Worker!!". The guy taking the picture was not a professional, and he was a tad bit obsessed with the shadow effect. So not only was he trying to get the shadow right on my face, I was also having a REALLY hard time not smiling! so the picture is not the best...but it's not too bad... Some of the other people's pictures were really not very good. I guess thats why we are the lucky 3 on the bus sign!
So, here they are.......

I have NO idea what has happened to this picture. It looked normal when I was down loading it.
Chances are most of you have seen it in an email anyway.....sorry!