And we thought Indiana had crazy weather!
It was 57 degrees yesterday, and we took full advantage of that warm sunshine!
Here are a few pictures from our hike.

I saw a giant grasshopper in this area. Should they be out in February??

I know we have blogged about this trail before, and some of the pictures may look familiar, but it's our favorite!! (mine anyway!) It is wide, and there is rarely anyone on it. We didn't have to put the dogs on the leash at all. Oh, and do you see that view?? It is very rewarding when you get to the top! :) aaaahhhhhh, mountains!

Harley, a true mountain dog.

It's a good hike if Maggie looks like this at the top! She is also wore out from catching her first squirrel! Thats right, the 82 pound beast caught a squirrel! Thankfully she did not hurt it. Tom and I were yelling at her, so she gave up on it. We were afraid that she would not know what to do with it, and that she would end up battered after the altercation!