Tom whipped us up some hillbilly sleds, as you will see below. Unfortunately those did not work well, but the neighbor kid had 2 sleds and he was more than happy to share with us! If you have ever been to our house, you know our driveway would be PERFECT for sledding. It did not dissappoint! Tom and I spent hours sledding down the driveway and laughing like little kids!
We built a quick snowman, but didn't spend much time on him and he remained faceless. The sleds just kept calling our names!
We built a quick snowman, but didn't spend much time on him and he remained faceless. The sleds just kept calling our names!
Oh, and of course the dogs loved the snow! Maggie always enjoys the snow, and I have been waiting to see what she would do in deep snow. Here are the pictures.....enjoy!
This first picture of Maggie was taken early Friday afternoon. Take note of the amount of snow on the table behind her.
Maggie, licking her snow chops. She is a snow eating machine!
Poor Maggie. She wants to go out back everytime we go near that door. I keep opening the door to show her that the snow is still there. I can't even get the door open it is so deep back there. I thought this picture just summed it up. The snow was fun on Friday, Saturday, and even some of Sunday, but come on, melt already!