Sorry we have been slacking on the blog updates. Here are a few random pictures from the last couple months.

We have had a few interesting visitors this summer. I thought this moth was really neat. The neighbors probably think I'm crazy...I am always taking pictures of the most simple things. I can't help it....I find beauty in the simple things. (although my pictures don't always turn out beautiful!)

Our first, and ONLY camping trip this summer. Can you believe that? Only one camping trip.
sooo sad!

Moser men went to Bristol for a
NASCAR race!

The melons! They were tiny, but they were delicious!!!! We have had way too many jalapenos this summer. Tom just picked 47 today!

Another friendly visitor! The picture is not that good. We probably took 20 pictures of this little guy, and just could not get a good one.

Here we are at the "
Brewgrass" festival this past Saturday. This event sells out in March or April when the tickets go on sale, and Tom and I have never been able to get tickets. This year we lucked out and got tickets the night before! We had a blast, and hope to make this an annual event for us. They announced another brew fest for May 29, 2010, that will feature different music....not bluegrass. So mark your calendars and get your tickets now!
Now on to the carpet pictures.

(Maggie obviously never passes up an opportunity to be in a picture!)

This is our bedroom. This picture really made the carpet look bad...yikes!

Harley is enjoying it.

Maggie approves. The dogs were so tired by this point. We kept them outside all day while the carpet was being installed, so they were not able to get their routine naps in on that day. By the time the carpet people left, Maggie and Harley could hardly keep their eyes open!

another after pic.

It's blueberry season!
Yipee!! We went to our favorite picking spot, and here Harley is, enjoying a nice refreshing swim after having to stay on the leash and watch us pick berries for what must have felt like hours. Usually there is a lot of encouraging and coaxing going on to get Harley to swim, but he went right in and did this all on his own. He is such a good boy!!!

The classic berry picking pose. I think I have a picture of Tom in this pose for about every year we have lived here.
my melons were tiny too... hehehe
but i still have tomatoes!!! 70 spagheti sqaush and pumpkins!!!
i have canned salsa, pizza sauce, tomato juice... anything tomatos!!
wish i had blue berries to pick, but i have grapes. made jelly and trying my hand at wine. pj~*
Whinnie can't wait to pee on your new carpet!
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